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Volume 46; 1993-1994 • Issue 1

Letters of Welcome

President Bill Clinton

Governor Evan Bayh

Thomas E. Deer, Editor-in-Chief


Cable Television Regulation: Promoting Competition in a Rapidly Changing World
by Representative Edward J. Markey


The Cable-Telco Cross-Ownership Prohibition: First Amendment Infringement Through Obsolescence
by Representative Michael G. Oxley

Shifting Foundations: The Regulation of Telecommunications in an Era of Change
by Commissioner Andrew C. Barrett

Reinventing Rate Regulation
by Nicholas W. Allard

Cable Television Subscriber Equipment: Lessons from the Common Carrier Experience
by David Alan Nall

The Cable Act and Municipal Ownership: A Growing First Amendment Confrontation
by Carl R. Ramey

Article Digest


The Television Violence Act of 1990: A New Program for Government Censorship?
by Julia W. Schlegel

Information on the Inaugural Symposium of the Federal Communications Law Journal:
The Transformation of Television News


Copyright 1993 by the Indiana University Board of Trustees and the Federal Communications Bar Association. Except as otherwise provided, the author of each article in this issue has granted permission for copies of that article to be made for classroom use, provided that (1) copies are distributed at or below cost, (2) the author and the Journal are identified, (3) proper notice of copyright is attached to each copy, and (4) the Federal Communications Law Journal is notified of the use.