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Volume 47; 1994-1995 • Issue 2

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2 Essays


President Bill Clinton

I.U. President Myles Brand

Editor’s Note


Reflections on the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Communications Act
by Robert E. Allen

Censorship By Media Elites Will Ultimately Threaten the Republic
by Michael E. Bailey

Deregulating the Second Republic
by Commissioner Andrew C. Barrett

FCC Licensing: From Comparative Hearings to Auctions
by Jonathan Blake

Celebrating Communications Technology for Everyone
by Peter David Blanck

Developing the Global Information Infrastructure
by Seth D. Blumenfeld

In Search of the Multimedia Grail
by Daniel L. Brenner

A Law Antecedent and Paramount
by Fred H. Cate

Trends in Communications and Other Musings on Our Future
by Commissioner Rachelle B. Chong

Smart Agenting
by Barry Diller

Consolidation, Coordination, Competition, and Coherence: In Search of a Forward Looking Communications Policy
by Mark D. Director and Michael Botein

The Sensitive Society
by James F. Fitzpatrick

INTELSAT: Transforming a Market Leader to Meet Changing Global Telecommunications
by Irving Goldstein

Drive Smoothly to Get on the Information Superhighway
by Albert H. Halprin

Reflections on the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Communications Act of 1934
by Stanley S. Hubbard

Toward Regulation That Fosters Competition
by Chairman Reed Hundt

Steps Toward a Global Information Infrastructure
by Assistant Secretary Larry Irving

Jefferson on the Internet
by Nicholas Johnson

The FCC Plus Sixty
by Larry King

Up with the FCC: An Essay of Esteem for the Commission on Its Sixtieth Birthday
by Abner J. Mikva

Second Chance
by Newton N. Minow

Reflections on the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Communications Act
by Senator Carol Moseley-Braun

Reflections on the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Communications Act
by Commissioner Susan Ness

Principles for the Communications Act of 2034: The Superstructure of Infrastructure
by Eli M. Noam

The Unfinished Task of Spectrum Policy Reform
by Janice Obuchowski

Information Superhighway Or Technological Sewer: What Will It Be?
by Robert W. Peters

Q’s World: The Future of Broadcast Regulation
by Commissioner James H. Quello

In the Battle Over TV Violence, The Communications Act Should Be Cheered, Not Changed!
by Carl R. Ramey

Reinventing FCC Adjudication
by Sidney White Rhyne

On the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Communications Act of 1934
by Joel Rosenbloom

Independent Audits and Self-Regulation – Not Legislation – Is Best Answer to TV Violence
by Senator Paul Simon

The New Realities of the Communications Marketplace
by Raymond W. Smith

Broadcast Licensees and Localism: At Home in the Communications Revolution
by Gigi B. Sohn and Andrew Jay Schwartzman

Reflections on the Sixtieth Anniversary of the Communications Act
by Ed Turner

Telecommunications and the Competitive Advantage of Massachusetts
by Governor William F. Weld

The Challenge of Choice
by Richard E. Wiley

A Call for Collaboration
by Michael J. Zpevak


Privacy vs. Convenience: The Benefits and Drawbacks of Tax System Modernization
by E. Maria Grace

Missed Connections: One Failed Attempt to Ease Restrictions on Bell Operating Companies
by Jeffrey Walker


Copyright 1994 by the Indiana University Board of Trustees and the Federal Communications Bar Association. Except as otherwise provided, the author of each article in this issue has granted permission for copies of that article to be made for classroom use, provided that (1) copies are distributed at or below cost, (2) the author and the Journal are identified, (3) proper notice of copyright is attached to each copy, and (4) the Federal Communications Law Journal is notified of the use.